Why use Professional Real Estate Photography

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As the real estate market continues to grow in Atlanta, the need for agents to utilize Professional Real Estate Photography is becoming more and more essential. The rapid changes to downtown and the surrounding Metro regions are altering the way everyone is having to think about business. Things like the Mercedes-Benz stadium, SunTrust Park, the Atlanta United winning the championship and all of the revitalization efforts happening on the westside of Atlanta have created an enormous momentum for all industries. These accelerated changes are directly impacting retail real estate and causing what has been a historically archaic industry, to have to catch up with modern technology and new standards.  


New Industry Standards

So where are these new standards coming from? One is the advancement of technology.  In a culture where the consumer (including home buyers) is mind-numbingly thumbing through an Instagram feed hunting for something to catch their eye, the approach to marketing a home has to change from the old tactics. Home buyers are searching through hundreds of listings on Zillow waiting for something that grabs them. They are not even making appointments until they find a property that pops. They’re adding that to their favorites list and scheduling appointments based on what they’re saying online. Another huge factor to these new standards is the growing age of the millennial generation. As a stereotype, Millennials are drawn to art. They have been raised with YouTube and Instagram as a source of entertainment and news. They are looking for quality. And it begins with them experiencing quality images and videos online before they make a purchase. This applies to everything from products on Amazon, to vacations, and especially to buying a new home. Millennials are also looking for excellent services. As sellers, they are wanting to present their homes in a way that will capture as many eyes as possible. They will not settle for anything less than #InstagramPerfect.


What’s The Problem?

All the time, we at AREP are interacting with real estate agents in and outside of Atlanta that seem to be stuck in the old ways of doing things. They’re utilizing tools that have historically worked well in the past, but the agents that are beginning to take the lead are rethinking that approach. Like in all, industries if you don’t innovate with time then eventually you become irrelevant. It may be a bit audacious but even professional marketers like Gary Vaynerchuk say that if you’re not growing with the new standards then you will be out of business in the next five to seven years. This is a massive problem if real estate is how you put food on your table. The other huge issue is that many agents are evolving and taking the lead in the industry. This only intensifies the competition. These agents will be taking up more and more of the market share, leaving only the leftovers for those agents that are unwilling to embrace the new standards. Which means you HAVE TO make some changes if you want to stay relevant.


So what changes do you need to make?


The Solution

The agents we see that can maintain a high volume of listings each year, and continue to grow, are the ones that are incorporating all the new elements. These agents are utilizing things like professional real estate photography, high-quality videos, and 3D Matterport© scans. What I like about these agents is their commitment and mindset for success. These agents aren’t picking and choosing what listings they are utilizing these services for. They believe that operating by these new standards for every listing no matter the price or size, is building themselves a personal brand that will stand out from the rest. We have seen this bear true because these agents steadily increase their production year after year. But! It’s not just high-volume agents. Agents of every volume are seeing a direct impact by utilizing professional real estate photography. According to inman.com, an industry-leading source of real estate information, “agents who outsource photography earn twice as much commission as those who do not. Hunter Kirkman from Remax Legends remarks that “by using professional photography, video and 3D scans, I’ve been able to add a huge value to my clients.”


Inman.com also reports that “Only 35% of agents use professional photographers.” This means there is 75% of agents that are being left behind as times change. And as you can see there is plenty of room for you to take action now. Like Terri, an agent in the Atlanta market, who made the shift from taking her own photos to outsourcing to a professional reported that her days on the market dropped from 30-45 days to 14-18 days! Terri says, “professional pictures of your listings separate the amateurs from the pros. A picture tells a story and speaks a thousand words.”  So why does this work so well for this generation? It’s because of the power of storytelling.


Mind Shift to Storytelling

We have all heard it said, to be successful in any industry that it always comes back to mindset. There have been thousands of books written on it during the last century. The thing that we have been seeing happening over the last eight or so years is a change in the consumer mindset. And because of that, the mindset of the real estate agent has to change. The agents that we are working with that are killing it in the market today are actively changing their mindset and standards of operation. Not only are these agents meeting the new standards for expected quality, but they are also leveraging the power of social media. The shift is that people are wanting to be captivated into a storyline. They are wanting to experience the wins and losses of other people and brands. The agents that will be taking the lead are the ones that are not just posting up a yard sign and passing out flyers but are telling stories. These agents are posting high-quality testimonial videos online, posting infographics of trends in local markets on their Instagram, and are even outsourcing to have their social media accounts and ads managed for them. These techniques will keep them in front of their social circles and bring strength to their brand awareness. Any time someone is deciding to buy or sell a house they are instantly thinking of the agent that hits their social media feed the most. The one that is telling their success stories, their hard work, and their daily struggles set themselves apart in people’s minds.


Are you being set apart? We would love the opportunity to help you tell your story and the story of each of your listings.


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About The Author

To Drone Or Not To Drone…




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Mon-Fri 8am – 6pm